Equimins Fly & Midge Biting Midge Cream
Equimins Horse Products
Equimins Fly & Midge Biting Midge Cream
A gentle easy to apply cream to repel midges and flying insects. 350g
A gentle easy to apply cream to repel midges and flying insects.
Contains: Tea Tree Oil, Chamomile Extract and Apricot Oil.
Active Ingredients: Ethyl Butylacetylaminopropionate, N, N' Diethyl-M-Toluamide. HSE Approval number: 7903 To gently sooth and cool irritated areas.
Available in 350g and 1kg tubs.
Equimins Biting Midge Cream Analysis
- Dithyl Toluamide
- Ethyl Butylacetylaminopropionate
- Aloe Vera
- Tea Tree oil
- Jojoba oil
- Chamomile Oil
- Lavender Oil
- Eucalyptus Oil - to gently soothe and cool irritated areas
- Cetrimide - to help cleanse any infection
Store in a cool dry place at 10 -20 degrees C
Always replace the lid after use.